Secured debt and equity funding to support the acquisition of a retirement sale of a small regional group of elderly care homes.
Undertook substantial operational due diligence including multiple meetings with the owner and HQ team and site visits, review of all policies and procedures, care governance, regulatory, HR issues etc. to understand the business with a view to taking over management at completion.
Developed detailed operational and strategic plan to create value in the group post acquisition.
Negotiated and agreed all financing and investor documentation.
Leading National Elderly Care Home Group
Led the operational due diligence on behalf of IPO underwriter/book-runner, to fully understand all aspects of how the group operated (services, HR, marketing, finance, care governance, reporting etc.) in order to address investor questions/concerns and satisfy the bank’s underwriting committee.
Worked closely with the Board of Directors and Senior Executive Team on all aspects of the group’s operations and strategy.
Supported the development and implementation of repositioning the group, including operations and systems planning for various new models of care.
Worked with the finance and operations teams to develop appropriate management reporting to identify and react to issues across the group.
Worked with senior executives and other advisors to renegotiate lease terms with landlords and lending terms with banks.
International Family Office Investor
Advised an international family office on the acquisition of a portfolio of c.65 elderly care homes in partnership with a major UK operator who were acquiring the other half of the portfolio.
Led operational due diligence and business planning including visiting c.30 of the homes and engaging in detailed discussions with the registered managers, regional management and head office staff to assist strategic and operational planning.
The group was a carve-out from a larger organisation. As such, it had no infrastructure of its own above home manager level. Developed detailed operational/organisational structure for the group including policies and procedures, governance systems, reporting etc. leveraging the existing systems and working practices within the divesting company.
Identified and recruited core senior team (Chairman, COO, Director of Care, CFO, HRD).
Prospective Private Equity Investors
Initiated a sale process to carve-out a non-core group of c.40 elderly care homes from a larger care business after approaching the parent company on behalf of an interested party.
Undertook detailed operational due diligence and strategic planning specific to the situation including developing a detailed five year business plan and growth strategy.
Developed an organisational and team structure to deliver the plan.
Put forward a creative structuring proposal to overcome transaction specific issues and allow all parties achieve their objectives.